A call for us in 2025…
This year, lead with your weird.
Let your authentic self shine through.
We get scared to allow ourselves to be seen: what if we are judged? What if someone doesn’t like us? What if they think we’re weird?
Light-holders, that is a given.
Someone, somewhere won’t like you and will definitely judge you. It’s happening right now.
The sooner you can come to peace with that, the sooner you can embrace it and let it go. Let it go from keeping you in the chains of conformity and needing to please.
There is great freedom in embracing that idea that you are not for everyone.
Feels bad when you are confronted with that? Yes, yes – but it doesn’t have to feel that way. You choose how you want to perceive it. It gets easier the more you embrace it, the more you embrace your weird. Choose to look at things differently.
Your weird is what makes you you. Your weird is beautiful to many. It’s unique, it’s fun, it’s compelling, it’s serious, it’s getting down to business, it’s letting your light SHINE.
Let your light shine.
You did not come to this world to dull your shine. There is no more time for this. Time is your greatest commodity, your greatest resource. Use it wisely.
Be weird, be wonderfully you. An authentic path will ultimately bring you great joy. You will always find your people who love you and celebrate you for who you are.
In this era we are moving into, we need people to shine their light. To move into a space where they are in service through joy.
Stop the fighting. Start creating. Stop the complaining. Start creating. Stop the lamenting about the past, start building your future – one creative and light-filled step at a time.
Be a transcendent leader in your own life. Do good. Say good things. Write, draw, play, create. Be in service to someone today. Get out of your head. Your ego wants to keep you small and safe.
We are not moving into that era. That time is over.
Be brave. Be weird. Be courageous. Be loving. Be light. Be yourself. Be a friend. Be LOVE. Be the soul and spirit you truly are.
There is no more time to be anything less than the you you truly are. Let it be awkward. Let yourself feel vulnerable.
Because it will feel vulnerable. It will feel vulnerable and raw and exposed when you live your life from a soul-based space.
You will disappoint people. You will make people question you. You will be judged.
And through all of that: you will find your greatest freedom.
You did not come here for situational peace.
Be unwavering in your truth. You will find the greatest joy and freedom there. When your ego says no, it’s not safe, tune into your heart. Connect with God, or Yeshua, or your angels, the Divine. Give it over. Let Love lead the way for you.
Be weird. Your weird is wildly all you, and you look beautiful that way.
Take bold chances. Disappoint people, but don’t disappoint yourself. Abandoning ourselves? Yeah, we’re done with that. Give yourself the greatest space and grace to let your light shine when you are here on earth.
We are on borrowed time. Use it wisely, use it lovingly. Use it with spark and creativity and kindness and love.
Lead with your weird.
Remove the resistance to change. Our guides are here to support us … all we need to do is take one baby step into surrender
Let’s put on our soul slippers: the more we can embrace the unseen, the easier our path will be.
Thanks for reading. Keep holding the light. xo, Laurie